25 Year Anniversary - Timothy New
Posted by Breana Clark on
Timothy New came to Hydra Kinetics after completing his MBA in 1994 and a couple years later he purchased the company. In 1998 he acquired Huskybilt Filters manufacturing industrial air filters. He later expanded the product line to include fuel and oil filters. In 2002 he sold the Huskybilt Filters subsidiary and returned the focus back to hydraulic cylinders. In 2009 he began importing valves from Taiwan when there was a major supply issue in the US. This took lead times down from over 20 weeks to under 10 weeks and in 2012 he traveled to Taiwan to solidify relations with Winner Hydraulics. Since then HKI has been involved in lots of special projects around the world (and space) including high profile ones like bringing an end to the BP oil disaster in the Gulf.